Butt Out Recycling

Butt Out and our bins provide the solution to keep our workplaces and local environment clean from cigarette butt litter, however disposal of cigarette butts is a serious environmental problem. Butts collected by Butt Out Australia go to RMIT for research.

Butt Out Australia. Supporting sustainable solutions.

Butt Out Australia has been financially supporting a three-year research project at RMIT University headed by Associate Professor Abbas Mohajerani. The project, which commenced in June 2018, is on developing technology for the recycling of cigarette butts in asphalt concrete and other construction materials. Butt Out Australia has also supplied cigarette butts for research at RMIT University for many years.

Dr. Abbas Mohajerani

Further Reading:
How brick-makers can help butt out litter
How to pave over our big butt problem